As we gear up here at TLT for a crazy, wild ride of a wedding season, we are reminded: beautiful things happen just outside our comfort zones. Three weddings in one weekend? Of course we can! Back-to-back wedding weekends from now until November? Bring it on!
It may not necessarily be pushing past your comfort zone that’s important, but rather pushing through it: often, the journey is much more paramount than the final destination. Facing the Things That Scare You Most does not mean you’re completely fearless — we’re all scared of something! — rather, it’s an act of courage, of tenacity, of daring and steadfast boldness. Being willing to acknowledge difficulties but doing your best to overcome them promises that, with every step you take (no matter how small!) toward that which feels impossible, you gain strength, and grit, and bravery. These are all values we aim to embody every day here at TLT.
If you’re in need of a push to get you through a tough season of life right now — or even if you’re just seeking some butt-kicking motivation — let this mantra serve as a gentle nudge for you. Here’s your invitation to look Fear in the face and tell Her she’s not welcome.
You’ve got this! xo