Picture this: it’s a balmy July weekend and your schedule is free. Tossing your tote bag over your shoulder, you head to the beach, ready to feel the sunlight on your face and breathe in the salty breeze. The minute your toes hit the sand, your body softens and your mind unwinds. Your bag carries nothing but a hat and a book and a big juicy peach; your towel lay at your feet like an invitation. Hours stretch out in front of you as far reaching as the beach you’ll walk (after your afternoon siesta).
Does that feel like a breath of fresh air? This warm, beachy mood board feels like that for us — we think it may be our subconscious urging us to spend some relaxation time at the ocean. And we are totally on board for that!
How often do you get to the beach in the summer? What are some of your favorite spots? Let us know in the comments below! xo
Palm Leaf | Surfboards | Beach Bungalow | Do Not Disturb | Beach Scene